Product information "#LMAB Finesse Filet 15 cm" - 7g / 3 pack
The #LMAB Finesse Filet caused a sensation from the start. Because while conventional shads are designed to show a lot of action, this artificial bait imitates a weakened hatching fish or a weakened young fish. This means that this lure is presented a little differently on the well-known Finesse assemblies.
Finesse Filet - A lure from the "fish can"?
This lure has a length of 15cm and a weight of 7g . These fascinating dimensions result from the ultra-slim silhouette of a few millimeters. The head including the gill cover is stately and has enough material for a jig hook and offset hook of size 4/0 or a drop-shot hook of size # 2 .
The assembly of the "Finesse Flatfish"
Contrary to all rules, this softbait is pulled up lying on the fish hook.
The jig hook is inserted into the mouth and ideally emerges behind the gill arch. So the bait has the same firm hold as with any conventional shad.
For drop shot fishing, on the other hand, a size # 2 hook is sufficient. To give this finesse bait maximum leeway, it is pierced in front of the eyes at the corner of the mouth. In this way, the fillet flutters both horizontally and vertically.
The Finesse Filet also cuts a fine figure with the Texas Rig or Carolina Rig thanks to its low weight. To do this, an offset hook is inserted through the mouth and emerges just behind the gill cover. This allows the body to slide forward optimally on the large arch of the hook when biting.
The special bait concept of a weakened prey fish
Weak fish are easy prey. These battered fish can no longer control their swim bladder and thus also their swimming behavior and tip on their side. This movement pattern triggers a bite reflex in the predatory fish, because no experienced predator can escape a "quick bite for in between" .
The secret of the successful management of this softbait
Contrary to all habits, it is important not to exercise this rubber bait too actively. Sick prey fish also usually do not make quick and extensive escapes. Experience has shown that an extremely passive bait presentation with lots of breaks and spinning stops is recommended instead. During this time, the bait is not idle, but flutters seductively driven by the currents and waves.
With a stand-up jighead, for example, this rubber bait can be pulled over the sandy bottom, creating a cloud of dust in which the finesse fillet remains.
When drop shot fishing, the bait can also be animated in the spin stops by playing with the braid. And with the Carolina rig and the Texas rig, the sinking phases are much longer, which of course gives the predatory fish more time for a bite.
A crucial extra
With baits that are presented passively, it is crucial to address all of the predator's senses. Therefore the Finesse Filet has a special aroma. The Predators can perceive this fishy "seafood" aroma well from a distance and it causes less suspicion, especially when bitten.
All the facts about the Finesse Filet
Size: 15cm
Weight: 7g
Packaging of the extra class - ideal for the presentation in the shop area and a real eye-catcher for your tackle box
Ideal for all finesse rigs
relatively thick head for optimal hold on the hook